Since the war on the epidemic, HR has a new role | GHOIC
Source:emlyon business schoolDate:2020-04-03
February - March, 2020, emlyon, together with China's leading human resource management think tank HRflag, jointly launched a series of blockbuster "human resources strategy during uncertain times" virtual meetings, and digital HR Forums. These events brought together dozens of Global Fortune 500 enterprises and leading global companies located in China, including CHO, HRD, HRVP, etc. to jointly discuss the optimization and transformation of corporate human resources strategies in uncertain environments. Professor William Hua Wang, Associate Dean of emlyon and Dean of the emlyon Asia, was invited to make a concluding statement to the conference. He analyzed HR’s new role during “wartime.” Out of a total of seven sessions, 78,100 people participated reaching a total of 230,000 playbacks.