
Alumni Service

emlyon business school stays close to enterprises and provides a wealth of internships and job opportunities for students and alumni. If you are one of our students or alumni and happen to look for an internship or job or intend to change your job, please go to “Career Development Service” page to register and submit your resume. Only our VIP Partner have access to the resumes submitted by students and alumni.
If you would like to recruit our students and alumni as interns or full-time employees, please go to “Career Development Service” page to register and post internships or positions.

emlyon bussiness school Alumni Activities

Alumni Activities

The Alumni Association of emlyon business school regularly organizes activities, including seminars, gala and outdoor activities. Information of each event to be held will be published on the official website, please stay tuned.

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emlyon bussiness school Lifelong Learning

Lifelong Learning

Knowledge knows no bounds. For senior executives/managers, what they have learned in the college is not enough, so it is better for them to make full use of the platform provided by emlyon business school to realize their plans and goals of lifelong learning after graduation.

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