Become a changemaker

This program will enable you to become a responsible leader ready to drive change and make a difference in organizations.

To achieve these goals, you will:

Evaluate transformations in the business environment, and organizational readiness for change across all functions

Design transformations with innovative methods and practical experience to develop sustainable solutions at relevant scales

Implement transformations by leading autonomous projects in a cross-functional team to make a positive impact and increase your organization’s competitiveness

Craft the organization of tomorrow

Environmental, societal, and technological changes are affecting the entire economy. To maintain and build a competitive advantage in the form of responsible, sustainable, and profitable growth, organizations must transform themselves.

Through experiential learning and up-to-date academics, the MSc in Leading Sustainable Transformations will help you manage transformation projects. This program will equip you with knowledge, and interpersonal skills such as problem-solving, constructive critical thinking and curiosity, to develop your leadership and interact with various stakeholders.

Lead projects with an interdisciplinary mindset

Global changes need an interdisciplinary approach. The MSc in Leading Sustainable Transformations offers an innovative, hands-on format with on-campus seminars, visits, activities, workshops, and projects, as well as the development of your leadership skills.   The program is taught on emlyon’s Paris campus for the first two periods, and you will hone your intercultural skills with an international seminar and an international immersion. You will then apply your strategic knowledge and soft skills during an internship based anywhere in the world.