Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, the 14th Annual China goes GlobalTM conference will be held in remote mode, hosted by emlyon business school Asia, sponsored by the Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University (Canada).
Idea, Strategy, Technology and Business Plan to address New Challenges
The first Commencement of Asia Europe Business School will be held online on June 27, 2020 (Saturday).
The webinar will give an overview of the different theoretical approaches that have been taken and could be taken to study AI from a consumer research perspective.
In this research, we are trying to investigate the behavior of fake accounts on Yelp data set to generate fake negative/positive reviews for competitors or itself and identify the fake reviews based on several “review-centric” and “reviewer-centric” features, which contribute the most fake reviews in entire data set.
In the beginning of 2020, the world has been disturbed by the financial turmoil triggered by a set of "black swan" events. The US stocks market repeatedly triggered the circuit breaker and fell into a technical bear market, followed by the simultaneous circuit breaking of several stock markets in Europe. Bonds, futures, gold and even Bitcoin have suffered heavy losses. Subsequently, different central banks took big moves, which pushed the global stock markets upward….
The pace of business change has accelerated, thanks to advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI).
In the face of enormous changes, in addition to growth, more and more outstanding executives have also begun to "introspect", that is, to deeply reflect on themselves. Standing at the peak of their career journey, they are exploring the driving force that stimulates internal development again and the potential of reshaping their future career roadmap.
emlyon business school Asian Campus