Faith, Hope and Love Relay | WorldWide Alumni Day


We are very pleased to launch

our 2nd WorldWide Alumni Day

24 hours to bring students and graduates

together all over the world!

On 8th December 2020, the day of the Festival of Lights in Lyon, we will celebrate together the emlyon business school community around the world for the WorldWide Alumni Day.

Wherever you are, take part in the 2nd WorldWide Alumni Day and create a luminous chain of hope for 24 hours on social media to spread solidarity within our network.

If you want to participate in WorldWide Alumni Day

■ Stage a candle, in a setting or visual typical of your region or country

■ Take a picture of it

■ On December 8, 2020, post this photo on social media with a message of solidarity to the community. You can also cite the solidarity actions mentioned below.

Insert #WWAD20 and #emlyonSolidaire.

Tag @emlyonalumni@emlyon

There are two ways to take part of the solidarity actions

Donations to the emlyon business school Foundation to help the students in difficult situations in the context of the Covid19 crisis

For more information on the emlyon business school Foundation

to make a donation under the aegis of the Fondation de France

Sharing internship, and employment opportunities with students and young graduates

To share an opportunity, go to Careers, menu “Employment Post an offer”. Your offer will be automatically shared on the student/graduate platform, and valued as an offer from a graduate

You can also email your offers to Ms Jessica Li at

For more information on the network’s solidarity actions

We are looking forward to the 8th of December!

The emlyonalumni team