Leading Leader’s Career… In Search Meaning of Life -emlyon Global DBA Information Session
Executive? Business Owner contemplating transition? “Yes, I am a C-suite. While the pressure of performance, digital transformation of organization, and young talented colleagues are constantly making me thinking about my next step”. “I’ve accomplished a lot in my life (professionally and/or personally), I feel like there’s another chapter out there for me.”
Executives aged beyond forties sometimes are facing midlife crisis. They are in search of meaningful new identities.
A mid-term life-changing decisions involve careful thinking and planning. Take the privilege to joint this group of peers in a close and safe environment, make the reflection and dis- cussion on your own value, vision, mission (not that of your company!), and better plan your career transition towards various possibilities: start your own business, coach, men- tor, a dream to become adjunct professor in a business school, NGO leader, investor, or con- tinue in corporate.
Welcome to meet and talk to Professor William WANG, Dean of emlyon business school Asia & a current participant of 2017 Global DBA of emlyon.
Guest Speaker

Prof. William WANG
Associate Dean of emlyon business school
Dean of Asia Campus, emlyon business school
His research interests centre on the innovation management, globalization strategy of Chinese companies, and the automotive industry in China. Wang received a PhD from Université Pierre Mendes France. He has published more than 110 publications in journals, books and conference proceedings. He has taught MBA, EMBA courses in leading business schools, including Manchester Business School (UK), and has delivered executives training to corporations including Bosch, SAP, Volvo and Intel etc.