2021 emlyon Asia emlyon business school Asia CSR Achievements

Source:emlyon business schoolDate:2022-02-09

Looking back at 2021, the century of change has accelerated, and "common prosperity" has become a national theme for China; the recurrence of the new epidemic has made us more aware of cohesion and mutual assistance, and the value of "business for good" has gradually become a consensus among all sectors.

In the past year, emlyon business school has responded to the call of the times with a forward-looking vision, under the guidance of a new development strategy focusing on CSR, and with the mission of "early makers co-creating good values", has joined hands with top professional institutions, enterprises, research institutes and public welfare organizations to carry out a variety of projects and activities.

emlyon business school has taken up the mission and led innovation and cooperation with all sectors of society to produce concrete value in terms of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance), and/or CSV (Creation of Shared Value).

emlyon business school supports the China-Europe-America Philanthropy Cooperation Initiative

September 8, 2021 Within the framework of the China-Europe Global Initiative, the first dialogue of the China-Europe-America Philanthropy Cooperation Initiative, with the academic support of emlyon business school, invited more than 30 representatives of philanthropic, academic, literary and corporate sectors from more than 10 countries in China, Europe, America and Africa to discuss how to promote high quality global philanthropy in the fields of education, knowledge, art, ecology and human health and well-being.

emlyon business school enters Danone’s Open Research Center

January 17, 2021 alumni, experts and corporate partners from emlyon business school East China Student Alumni Association, Social Impact Club and Center for Good Business were led by James Ng, Vice President of Sustainability and General Manager of Social Enterprise of Danone Greater China, Co-Chair of Global Consumer Goods Forum China Sustainability, and emlyon business school 2017 GDBA student, to visit Danone Open Research Center and discuss about customized innovation led by digital technology, sustainable business model innovation and experience the power of business for good.

The Babemax ESG case selected as China’s Listing Companies Case

The ESG case study of Babemax, co-authored by emlyon business school and Dai Rong, HR Head of Babemax, student of emlyon 2020 GDBA, has been selected as a “China’s Listing Companies Case”.  Babemax has achieved excellent results in the areas of talent development, compliance, environmental protection, social responsibility, healthcare, poverty alleviation and charity.

emlyon business school supports Social Impact Club workshop on Sustainable Fashion and Low Carbon Lifestyle

In May 2021, emlyon business school Social Impact Club's East China Student Alumni Association supported a workshop on "Sustainable Fashion - Low Carbon Lifestyle" organized by B Corps China and Impact Hub Shanghai. Students and alumni of HEBM, Grande Ecole and MBA programs gained a deeper understanding of the roles of CSR oriented enterprises and the practice of sustainable fashion in diverse fields.

emlyon business school supports Cailian Press 2021 Carbon Neutral Annual Summit

June 3, 2021 Prof. Gong Yeming, head of emlyon Business Intelligence Center, gave a speech about "Three technologies for Smart and Green Cities in the Context of Carbon Neutrality" at the 2021 Carbon Neutral Annual Summit organized by Cailian Press, pointing out that the V2G, hydrogen and smart grid technologies are crucial for making cities smarter and greener.

emlyon business school and Action4Good light up the power of good to implement sustainable projects

From July to October 2021, emlyon business school, as a co-creator of the Action4Good Zizhu Sustainability Initiative launched by the Zizhu Sustainability Lab, invites students and alumni to actively join the Action4Gooood Initiative to spend 3 months to launch projects focused on social issues and promote the implementation of SDGs in the Zizhu hi-tech zone living area in Shanghai.

emlyon business school supports Building Better Business Workshop -"Sustainable Food and Beverage"

July 24, 2021 emlyon business school Social Impact Club supported B Corps China's Building Better Business Workshop in Shanghai, focusing on the hot topic of "Sustainable Food and Beverage" and inviting industry benefit corporations and leading companies to discuss about the challenges, opportunities and sustainable practices in the food and beverage industry.

emlyon business school talks about CSR and sustainability at Remy Martin Cointreau

November 4, 2021 Prof. Williang Hua Wang, Associate Dean of emlyon business school, Dean of emlyon business school Asia, delivered an innovative presentation on "CSR - Creating Sustainability" at Remy Martin Cointreau Group, where he discussed about the definition of CSR, development trends from CSR to ESG, industry best cases benchmark, implementation of CSR in corporate management and businesses.

emlyon business school supports the Sino-French Innovation & Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Forum

November 19, 2021 students from emlyon business school participated in the Sino-French Innovation & Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Forum co-hosted by neoBay, emlyon business school, La French Tech Shanghai and the SJTU – ParisTech Elite Institute of Technology. The event attracted entrepreneurs, R&D specialists, university professors and students from the French and Chinese entrepreneurial ecosystem to discuss about bottlenecks and challenges encountered by French startups in China, explore new solutions and promote the human resources cooperation between French companies and entrepreneurs in Shanghai, business schools, and engineering schools.

Launch of the emlyon North China Student Alumni Association's "Vast Star Rainbow Project" digital charity campaign

December 8, 2021, the North China Student Alumni Association of emlyon business school launched the "Vast Star Rainbow Project" digital charity public welfare campaign and signed the "Digital Public Initiative of the North China Alumni Association of emlyon business school ", officially established the public welfare module to actively contribute to social development and public welfare. At the same time, December 8th has been officially set as the “Public Interest Day” of emlyon business school North China Alumni.

emlyon business school supports the 2021 IFENG Finance Summit

December 12, 2021, the "2021 IFENG Finance Summit " themed as "Trends and Cycles" was held in Shanghai with the academic support of emlyon business school. Prof. William Hua Wang, Associate Dean of emlyon business school, Dean of emlyon business school Asia, delivered the speech "From the Perspective of Development Opportunities, Three Kinds of Countries Have the Opportunity to Win in the New Pattern". According to Prof. William Hua Wang, two major trends characterized today's supply chain: the change of supply chain mode and green supply chain. Entrepreneurs should adapt to the transformation of Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality and transform the segmentation of economic and social benefits to systematic integration through ESG. Countries with strong industrial capacity, clean energy, and relatively rich raw materials behind the manufacture of clean energy are the ones that will have the opportunity to win in the new pattern.

emlyon business school supports the 3rd Zizhu Hi-Tech Area Sustainable Development Forum

December 17, 2021 the 3rd Zizhu International Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone Sustainable Development Forum, themed as "Technology enterprises transformation into the wave of sustainability ", brought together entrepreneurs, industry experts, and academics from the fields of information software, avionics, new energy, new materials, new retail and new consumption. emlyon business school also became a member of the Zizhu Social Responsibility Alliance.

2021 China Digital Annual Conference - emlyon Global Business Intelligence Forum “Responsible AI”

December 17, 2021 the China Digital Annual Conference emlyon Global Business Intelligence Forum themed as “Responsible AI” was held in Chengdu.  Prof. Gong Yeming, Head of Artificial Intelligence in Management Institute (AIM) and Director of Business Intelligence Center (BIC), Dr. Lan Sai Alan, Associate Operation Director of BIC, Prof. Brigui Imene, Professor of Artificial Intelligence of emlyon business school, Prof. Rekik Yacine, Professor of Management Science of emlyon business school, and 5 expert executives from Deloitte 5G Application Research Center, Nobot Intelligent Equipment, Chengdu MINTO Technology, Data Grand Chengdu and Shenzhen Landray Software, gathered to discuss the social responsibility, ethics, behavior research, security and stability of AI from both theoretical research and practical application.

The “Responsible AI”forum is an important part of the 2021 China Digital Annual Conference, as emlyon business school is the exclusive academic support institution of the Conference and also released two White Papers: “2021 China’s Top 100 Intelligent Manufacturers and Development and Trends of Intelligent Manufacturing Industry in China” and “2021 China’s Top Intelligent Logistics Providers and Development and Trends of Intelligent Logistics Industry in China”.

emlyon Gobi Club Creative Relay Run for PRC’s Centenary Celebration

June 27, 2021, emlyon Gobi Club celebrated the centenary of the founding of the PRC Party and the friendship between France and China by 00-mile creative relay run to literally “draw out” the PRC Party emblem.

emlyon business school supports B Corp China's "New Business Norm - New Ecology for the Common Benefit" Annual Conference

December 18, 2021, the B Corps China team hosted the "New Business Norm - New Ecology for the Common Benefit" Annual Conference, with emlyon business school as a partner, bringing together benefit corporations from the fields of sustainable fashion, food and beverage, education, art and culture to share their experiences and future expectations.

emlyon business school supports the first dialogue of the China-Europe-America Net-Zero Transition Platform

December 20, 2021 with the academic support of emlyon business school, the first dialogue of the China-Europe-America Net-Zero Transition Platform initiated by Mr. David Gosset gathered 40 speakers from 10 different countries online.

As a part of the China-Europe-America Global Initiative, the conference on net-zero transition focused on the themes of sustainability, energy transition, smart transport, new materials, green finance and decarbonization and highlighted the importance of the partnerships between governments, private sectors and the civil society, and the synergies between China, Europe and the US.

Protecting and improving the environment, optimizing corporate governance and promoting social progress became core CSR missions for all sectors. A brighter future can only be achieved by balancing social and economic benefits and by striving to create shared value (CSV) for society. In 2022, China will be on the road for a greener, more sustainable and high-quality development society. emlyon business school will continue to contribute fervently to green and low-carbon development, using vision, wisdom and responsibility to interpret the new meanings of CSR.