Retrospective on the Career Development of Distinguished GBBA Graduates

Source:emlyon business schoolDate:2024-05-31

What does a four-year study abroad journey mean to you? There may be a thousand answers, but the most universally applicable is undoubtedly broadening one's horizons and establishing a higher starting point for future development. Since its inception, the GBBA program has nurtured numerous outstanding graduates. Equipped with solid professional knowledge, a rich international perspective, and proficient cross-cultural communication skills, they have set sail from here and embarked on their respective paths of development.

In this retrospective, we will focus on the developmental trajectories of some Chinese undergraduate during their four years in the GBBA program, understanding how they enriched their resumes and experiences through pathways such as prestigious school exchanges, internships at renowned enterprises, and apprenticeships, ultimately securing offers from the world's top graduate schools. Currently, some have entered the workforce, starting the next phase of their ambitious journey at globally renowned companies.