A DBA program is more than a simple extension of an EMBA degree. It is a new journey of mental exploration, which requires its participants to quickly learn to think out of box and perceive and understand the working paradigm in the new fields.
Digital Platform Ecosystems appear to be emerging as the next form of the corporation. This talk will examine how platform business models are evolving and what the critical properties of digital platform ecosystems are.
The global landscape is changing. As a leader, you're probably used to dealing with change. In the era of VUCA, do you feel that the world is changing faster and more complex than before? Has everything been laid out for the maximization of self and social value in the next five years? Have you ever thought about how to get out of your comfort zone, and explore inward?
The global landscape is changing. As a leader, you're probably used to dealing with change. In the era of VUCA, do you feel that the world is changing faster and more complex than before? Has everything been laid out for the maximization of self and social value in the next five years? Have you ever thought about how to get out of your comfort zone, and explore inward?The second half will be a fresh start.
From the shoes on your feet to the device you are reading this on, goods are being transported around the world by an often invisible global logistics network.
This talk is for a broad, general audience. We review sources of data that come from crowds and/or sensors and how they can be exploited for innovation.
Consumers’ daily lives are oriented through algorithms such as recommendations systems, Real Time Biding advertising, filtered information on social networks, website classification on search engines.
“NEW” Era is significantly influencing society and business, further Organizational Capability and Global Operations Strategy.
emlyon business school will usher in its annual gala soon. This year, we’ll have our “Inspire the early maker of the future” themed gala held in Beijing for the very first time. We hereby sincerely invite all our professors, students, alumni and partners to join us.
Research oriented, a Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) Program becomes one of the paths that today's entrepreneurs and senior executives take to lift their business intelligence into an theoretical level.
emlyon business school Asian Campus