AIM Series Seminar | Experiencing new intelligences: Leveraging AI for better user experiences


Leveraging AI for better user experiences

emlyon business school – campus Paris 15 boulevard Diderot – Paris 12e

How to design and create better user experiences interacting with new intelligences (robotic solutions, IoT, smart dynamic and interactive artifacts, big data connected with the spaces)? The development of interactive robotics, sensing devices and broad application of AI are rapidly changing the way users interact. This will require designers and managers to adopt new lenses in the design and evaluation of emerging technology and consider new ethical paradigms.

Key decision makers have to explore how to leverage on artificial intelligence to transform artifacts (objects, spaces), service encounters and interaction modalities in order to create better user experiences and increased efficiency.

Organized by the AIM Research Center on Artificial Intelligence in Value Creation one of the two academic research arms of the emlyon Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Management (AIM), the conference will bring together academics and industry leaders to present the current research projects and discuss the impact of new intelligences on better user experiences and business practice.


9:00 | Registration

9:30 | Welcome Remarks

Renaud CHAMPION, Executive Director AIM Institute, emlyon business school

9:40 | Opening Remarks

Margherita PAGANI, Director AIM Research Center on Artificial Intelligence in Value Creation, emlyon business school

9:50 to 10:20 | Unraveling heterogeneity in customer experiences with service robot constellations

Margherita PAGANI, emlyon business school

Bart LARIVIERE, KU Leuven University

10:20 to 11:00 | Embodying user values in designing of intelligent systems

Yihyun LIM, Director Design Lab MIT

11:00 to 11:30 | User experience of smart products : conceptualization and measurement

Yeming GONG, emlyon business school

11:30 | Panel Discussion

Moderator :

Renaud CHAMPION, emlyon business school

Panelists :

Philippe DALY, General Manager Alexa Skills (FR) – Amazon

Eric FARRO, Eco system and Business Developper – ORANGE (Cognitive Sciences & Innovation)

Yves LOSTANLEN, Head of Europe – Element AI

Grégory DESFOSSES, Chief Digital Officer, BNP Paribas Personal Finance

12:30 | Closing Remarks

Bruno BONNELL, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, emlyon business school

12:45 | Networking Reception