“NEW” Era is significantly influencing society and business, further Organizational Capability and Global Operations Strategy.
Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, the 14th Annual China goes GlobalTM conference will be held in remote mode, hosted by emlyon business school Asia, sponsored by the Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University (Canada).
International Ecosystem for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IEIE) was initialized in Belgrade, Serbia by neoBay Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship Community together with the universities, the incubators, the science parks from Europe and South East Asia.
当我们谈论起不远的将来将改变我们生活、工作和娱乐方式的技术时,人工智能无疑仍是一个关键的趋势。人工智能用其颠覆性技术迅速分析和解读全世界的数据,让人类工作被史无前例地取代。并且人工智能正处于“AI产业化”向“产业AI化”升级阶段,成为数字经济新生产力,推动现有生产方式与大数据、区块链等技术加速集成融合。关于人工智能颠覆性技术与价值创造的讨论,法国里昂商学院特别邀请了Mélanie GILBERT教授为我们解读。
Abstract: We present a new platform for large scale network experiments in continuous time that allows us to study the economic principles underlying the emergence of well-known social and economic phenomena.
Increasingly knowledgeable business-to-business (B2B) customers and evolving customer needs are leading to seismic shifts in vendor–client interactions. Across industries, sellers are changing their business models from a simple goods orientation to a hybrid goods–services model, placing greater emphasis on delivering complete customer solutions.
We at the Frankfurt Big Data Lab at the Goethe University of Frankfurt, together with a team of international experts, developed an assessment process for Ethical AI, that we call Z-Inspection.
During the global pandemic, both public and private sector industries have had to quickly pivot to new business models. This session will explore how disruptive technologies such as AI and Blockchain are helping the world to quickly adapt and thrive given our new reality.
As AI tools become more commonplace, many businesses find themselves playing catch up when it comes to incorporating them into their existing infrastructure. In this webinar, based on a classification of 867 AI systems, we describe four types of AI-Supported Tasks and we explore how AI systems can create business value. As companies go about integrating these tools into their organization, understanding the differences between these different types of AI-supported tasks can help them determine the best tool for each job, figure out how best to support that tool with human employees, and ultimately optimize collaboration between human and machine.
Since the development of the early recommender systems, in the mid 90s, a lot of AI research has been focusing on developing machine learning algorithms to better understand human behaviour – with mega-marketing firms such as Google or Facebook driving part of the research agenda.
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