The New Year Resolution-How to prepare for the next 5 years?
Guangzhou / Shenzhen
The value for senior exectives to take the DBA study - Click the photo,and learn more<
The global landscape is changing. As a leader, you're probably used to dealing with change. In the era of VUCA, do you feel that the world is changing faster and more complex than before? Has everything been laid out for the maximization of self and social value in the next five years? Have you ever thought about how to get out of your comfort zone, and explore inward?
The second half will be a fresh start. If you don't come, how will you know if you can reach the future you want?
If you also want to constantly challenge yourself, at the beginning of 2019, emlyon Global DBA program invites you to join us in Guangzhou/Shenzhen.
Let’s discover new careers transformation, explore what emlyon has offered and learn what you can do in the changing world with advisors and peers !
Time: 14:00-16:00, Mar. 23rd (Saturday), 2019
Venue: Shenglong Group, 46th floor, Kaihua International Center, No.5 Xiancun road, Zhujiang New City, Tianhe District, Guangzhou
Time: 13:30-15:30, Mar. 24th(Sunday), 2019
Venue: YOFLOWER (Sea World Store 3 Floor), Wanghai Road, Nanshan district ,Shenzhen
In March , emlyon Global DBA Coffee Chat will visit the economic, cultural and scientific and technological innovation centers in south China: Guangzhou and Shenzhen. In these events, emlyon Global DBA program will share with you the insights gained from management practices and the journey of DBAers in business administration to pursue their doctoral degrees. At the event of Guangzhou, you will meet Dr. Michael ZHANG, he will share on his DBA life and research topic, and how to convert his years of industry wisdoms and experience to a theoretical level through his doctoral research. At the event of Shenzhen, you will meet Mrs. Jane ZHOU, she will share with you that by exploring practices and cutting-edge knowledge in the Global DBA Program, how they join hands in creating insights that benefit their own sectors and beyond.

Dr. Michael ZHANG
Alumnus & Ambassador of emlyon Global DBA
Executive Vice President of Star River Group, he is mainly responsible for the company's investment development and business operation management. He holds a Global DBA degree of emlyon business school, and a master's degree in business administration from Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota and Lingnan college of Sun Yat-sen University. He has served as an administrator in EVERGRANDE real estate, QiaoXin Group and JiaHua real estate successively, and have rich experience in real estate investment and development, operation and management and other fields.

Mrs. Jane ZHOU
emlyon Global DBA participant
Associate Professor, She is a visiting scholar at the D’ Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University, USA. She earned her bachelor and master degree at University of Exeter, UK. She designed and taught courses and seminars for Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, Finland, Federation University, Australia and other several international universities. Jane has led or participated in several national and provincial projects. Numerous of her papers have been published and presented in leading journals and conferences. Prior to joining education field, she worked for Savills and Citibank.
▲Coffee Chat Venue(Guangzhou)- SHENGLONG Group
▲Coffee Chat Venue(Shenzhen)- YOUFLOWER
* Thanks to Dr. Michael Zhang and Global DBA participant Angelia QU for providing the venue support for the activities.
Who to attend
Founders, Presidents, Board Members,
General Managers, Vice Presidents or CXO, etc.
Welcome to follow and join us!
In the future,
emlyon Global DBA coffee chats
will visit different cities,
offering more exciting consultations on academic
and career development.
We are looking forward to welcoming you
to get closer to emlyon business school
and become early makers in your own domains !
emlyon business school
Global DBA Program Asia Track
Wendy YANG
+86 13774223767