Upcoming event|How do entrepreneurs become business scientists?
CCIFC, 2nd Floor, Jufu building, No. 83 Fumin Road, Shanghai
“Why DBA?Why emlyon Global DBA? ”Join us in May 26, you will meet Prof. CHEN Junsong, Assistant Dean of emlyon business school, Asia Director of Global DBA Asia Track. He will share with you how to gain insights from management practices. At the same time, you will meet Mr. Ray DONG, Global DBA participant, he will share on his DBA life and research topic, and how to convert his years of industry wisdoms and experience to a theoretical level through his doctoral research. Besides, you will know by exploring practices and cutting-edge knowledge in the Global DBA Program, how they join hands in creating insights that benefit their own enterprises,industry and the society.
Face to face with Directors & DBA Participant
Date:14:00-17:00, May 26(Sun), 2019
Venue:CCIFC, 2nd Floor, Jufu building, No. 83 Fumin Road, Shanghai
A DBA program is more than a simple extension of an EMBA degree. It is a new journey of mental exploration, which requires its participants to quickly learn to think out of box and perceive and understand the working paradigm in the new fields.
In May 26th, face to face with Program Director and Academic Director, corporate executives can work with senior professors on :
- How to choose business management topics with research value?
- How to establish management concepts and methodologies during the study?
- How to turn your own industry insights and management experience into a structured knowledge system that is ready to disseminate and benefit the industry and the society?

Prof. CHEN Junsong
Assistant Dean, emlyon business school Asia
Director of Global DBA Asia Track
Academic Director of Executive Education
Dr. Junsong Chen is Professor of Marketing at emlyon business school, Assistant Dean of emlyon Asia campus, and Academic Director of Executive Education. Dr. Chen obtained his Ph.D. in Marketing from University of Birmingham, UK in 2003 and later joined the Marketing Faculty of China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) where he has served for ten years. Dr. Chen has received many rewards granted by China Natural Science Foundation, State Education Ministry of China, Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals of Universities of the United Kingdom, etc. He has published more than 40 paper in leading international journals.

emlyon Global DBA participant
Founder of Arts & Collections Corporation
Ray is the Founder of Art Market Journal and the Art Market Commentator of Chinese Cultural Newspaper.He got EMBA degree from Antai College of Economics & Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He got Master of Civil and Commercial Law in East China University of Political Science and Law. He actives in China's M&A and cross-border financing since 2002, has completed HK$70 billion cumulative transactions. And he has more than 10 years of experience in the art market, and participated in the issuance of China's earliest art fund.Now Ray specialized in investment analysis and asset management in the Chinese art market.
Who to attend
Founders, Presidents, Board Members,
General Managers, Vice Presidents or CXO, etc.
*Please reserve information online. We will contact you later.