Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior and Leadership
DBA Advisor at emlyon business school
DBA Advisor at emlyon business school
Dr. Jacquart is Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior and Leadership at emlyon business school. Prior to joining emlyon, he was a postdoctoral researcher at the Wharton School, at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Jacquart’s main research interest focuses on leadership. He studies the invisible forces that shape the leadership process, in particular at the upper echelons of organizations. His research work has been published in leading management journals, including Academy of Management Journal, Leadership Quarterly, etc. Dr. Jacquart teaches organizational behavior and leadership development to MSc and MBA programs, and research method courses to PhD program.
- 2010: Doctorate in Management, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
- 2002: MSc in Management, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
- 2000: BSc in Economics and Management, University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France
- Charisma
- Compensation
- Leadership
- Research methods
- Organizational behavior
- Leadership development
- Research methods and design