Francesco Schiavone
Adjunct Professor at emlyon business school
DBA Advisor at emlyon business school
Dr. Francesco Schiavone is the Associate Professor of Innovation Management for the Department of Management and Quantitative Studies (DISAQ) at the University Parthenope of Naples (Italy). Currently, he also serves as Adjunct Professor at emlyon business school.
Dr. Schiavone’s research is focused on the innovation management, digital transformation, communities of practice, crowdfunding and healthcare management. His research works have been published in various prestigious academic journals including IEEE-Transactions of Engineering Management, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, Business Process Management Journal, Management Decision, Journal of Knowledge Management, etc.
Dr. Schiavone is the associate editor for the Journal of Intellectual Capital, BMC Health Services Research, The Journal of Knowledge Economy and Innovations, and Journal of Innovation Economics and Management. Furthermore, he served as Guest Editor in leading academic and professional management journals including Production, Planning and Control and Journal of Intellectual Capital. He is regularly invited as keynote speaker at international conferences and to give lectures to academic audience. He has organized several international conferences in the field of innovation management and healthcare management.
- 2005: Ph.D. in “Network Economics and Knowledge Management” from Foundation SSAV (Ca' Foscari University), Venice (Italy).
- 2001 : Master Degree in Communication Sciences (5 years), University of Salerno (Italy).
- Innovation management
- Healthcare innovation and management
- Strategic management
- Digital transformation
- Innovation management
- Design Thinking
- Business model innovation
- Advanced Qualitative Methods