GONG Yeming
Director of Business Intelligence Center, emlyon business school
PI (Independent Principal Investigators for 3 National Scientific Grants)
DBA Advisor at emlyon business school
Dr. Yeming (Yale) Gong, is Professor of Management Science, DBA advisor at Emlyon Business School, and visiting professor at Cornell University. He received the master degree from INSEAD, PhD degree from Rotterdam School of Management, and obtained the Post-Doctorate from University of Chicago. Prof. Gong’s main research interests include big data logistics, big data supply chain, intelligent operation strategy, and intelligent manufacturing. Prof. Gong has published 41 articles in leading international journals, such as Production and Operations Management, European Journal of Operational Research , IIE Transactions, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, International Journal of Production Economics, Annals of Operations Research etc, including 13 A/FT level articles. He has published book “Global Operations Strategy: Fundamentals and Practice” in Springer, which has been a best-selling book for years. The book has been globally adopted by more than 40 universities or business schools in Europe, USA, Australia, Africa, China, and other Asian Countries. According to a published scientometrics report by MHI in 2018, Prof. Gong is listed as top 10 scholar in the world and No.1 scholar in France in the field of material handling, measured by the degree of academic leadership.
- Post Doctoral Researcher in Management Science, The University of Chicago, Booth School of Business, USA.
- Ph.D in Management, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, the Netherlands.
- Visiting Ph.D Student in Management Science, The University of Chicago, Booth School of Business, USA.
- M.Sc in Technology and Operation Management, INSEAD, France.
- B. Engineering, and M. Sc in Management Information Systems, HUST, China
- Interface research between operations management and information systems
- Big data-driven logistics systems
- IT- Enabled Intelligent Manufacturing, Industry 4.0, Internet of Things
- Facility layout and planning, Warehousing
- Sustainable operations
- AI-based smart products and service
- DEA-based performance evaluation of information and operations systems
- Logistics Management(for MSc)
- Supply Chain Management in Asia(for MSc Asian track)
- Operations Strategy(for MSc)
- Revenue Management(for MSc)
- Warehouse Management(for MSc)
- Service Operations Management(for MSc)
- Operations Strategy in Asia(for MSc)
- Operations Management (Specialized in Hospitality Management.Specialized Master, EMLYON, Bocuse, Ecully)
- Operations and Supply Chain Management (for EMBA)
- Quantitative Research Method (for DBA)
- Advanced Research in Business and Management(for DBA)