AN Jia
School of Economics and Management, BUPT
Director of the Center for International Economy and Trade in BUPT
Prof. An has diverse research interests, including monetary policy, managerial economics, Internet economy, human resource management, and performance of SMEs. She has completed a number of academic and consultancy projects, including: International Trade Theory and Policy based on Internet (funded by the Social Sciences Fund in BUPT), E - Finance in China (funded by BUPT), Managerial Strategy in Telecom Industry in China (funded by BUPT), The Effects of Competition on Consumer Buyer Behavior in the Chinese Telecom Market (funded by the Institute of National Telecoms in France), the economic behavior on the Minority nationality in the Northeast and etc.
Prof. An has received several awards for her research achievement, including: First Prize of National Defense Industry (awarded by The National Defense Office in Hunan), and The Housing Economic Reform: Theory and Practice (awarded by the Ministry of Education of China). She has published 6 books and more than 30 academic articles. She has also received 16 awards for guiding student research and entrepreneurship projects.
- BA in Economics from Beijing Normal University (1978-1982).
- MA in Economics from Peking University (1985-1988)
- PhD in Economics from Beijing Normal University (1997-2002)
- Visiting Scholars in USA (2008-2009)
- International Finance and Trade
- Economics
- Trade and Finance based on Internet.
- E-Money
- F-FX Market
- Microeconomics
- Macroeconomic