Margherita PAGANI
DBA Advisor at emlyon business school
Dr. Pagani is Professor of Digital Marketing at emlyon Business School, Director of the AIM Research Center on Artificial Intelligence in Value Creation and Co-Director of the MSc in Digital Marketing and Data Science. She is also Adjunct Professor at Bocconi University (Italy). She holds a HDR (Habilitation to Direct Researches) and a Ph.D. in Management. Her current research examines digital marketing, consumer behavior and new technologies, robotics, Artificial Intelligence. She also studies social media, privacy and competitive dynamics influencing value creation and capture in digital ecosystems.
Dr. Pagani is the author of seven business books (published in US, Italy, Korea). Her work has also been published in many leading international journals, including MIS Quarterly, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal of Modelling in Management, International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, International Journal of Advertising, Journal of Product and Brand Management, International Journal of Electronic Business, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, Business Horizons, Psychology and Marketing, etc. She teaches Web Marketing, E-Commerce and e-tailing, Digital transformation in B2B, Digital Marketing for graduate and executive programs.
- 2016 HDR (Habilitation to Direct Researches)
- 2015 Ph.D. in Management - University Jean Moulin Lyon 3
- 2006 : MIT Program in Data and Models in Engineering Science and Business Part I and II- MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts (certified)
- 2005 : MIT Program in Individual Choice Behavior: Theory and Application of Discrete Choice Analysis - MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts (certified).
- 1995 : Degree (Master of Science) in Business Administration - (summa cum laude) Bocconi University, Italy
- Digital marketing
- Mobile Marketing
- Consumer behavior and social media
- Experiential engagement and social media (social TV, Location based social networks, brand pages)
- The effects of privacy on consumer behavior in social networks
- Robotics and AI
- Web Marketing
- E-Commerce and e-tailing
- Digital transformation in B2B
- Digital Marketing
- MBA - Digital Marketing
- Digital Ecosystems and new business models