We are Here | emlyon Knowledge Revelation
Source:emlyon business schoolDate:2020-04-03
The impact and uncertainty of the coronavirus pandemic caused panic among individuals and businesses. However, scientific thinking and professional guidance might bring unexpected benefits and inspirations. In February 2020, emlyon Asia launched a think tank revelation “We Are Here”, inviting emlyon Asia’s professors and students to disseminate knowledge from the perspectives of finance, corporate management, organizational leadership, brand building and social responsibility.
- Feb. 21 Sai Lan, associate Professor of Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Academic Director of EDP Program, Associate Operation Director of Business Intelligence Center (BIC), expounded on the driving force behind corporate development by analyzing the case of Gelead, world’s leading pharmaceutical company in innovation.
- Feb.26 Wenxuan DING, Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Business Analytics, Deputy Director of Business Intelligence Center (BIC), illustrated the future trend of smart society from the perspective of artificial intelligence.
- Feb. 28 Dr. Jun LU, Associate Professor of Finance , analyzed the dilemma of small and medium-sized enterprises from the perspective of finance, proposing to solve the difficulty through inclusive and affordable finance service and by taking self-help measures to enhance economic recovery when China is recovering from the pandemic.
- March. 3 Dr. Luk Ting Kwong, Professor of Marketing analyzed how to promote brands from political, economic and social perspectives to help individuals and enterprises turn crisis into opportunities.
- March. 13 Professor William Hua WANG, Associate Dean of emlyon and Dean of emlyon Asia and Dr. Wenxuan DING, Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Business Analytics, wrote an article to discuss the western countries’ fight against coronavirus pandemic in Don Quixote’s style, awakening the world with current situations and calling for actions.
- March 2020, the director of the Center for Eurasian sports industry emlyon, Professor Simon Chadwick, assisted a series of special reports on the surging epidemic in sports (on reputable Chinese media). Providing professional advice from many angles on the Tokyo Olympic Games, the European sports leagues, and other sporting events in light of the pandemic. The series of four reports hit over 500,000 total clicks on news sites.