SISU-emlyon Dual Degree MBAers Set Sail in 2021


On September 25th, 2021, SISU-emlyon Dual Degree MBA Welcome Dinner for Inaugural Intake (2021) and Launching Ceremony of Corporate Mentor Program were successfully held at Bund Financial Center in Shanghai.

Mr. Benoît Guidée, Consul General of France in Shanghai, Ms. Séverine BOUÉ, Education Consul of the Cultural and Educational Cooperation Office of French Consulate General in Shanghai, Prof. William Hua Wang, Associate Dean of emlyon business school and Dean of emlyon business school Asia , Mr. Yong Xu, Party Secretary of School of Business and Management at Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), Prof. Yunqiao Wu, Associate Dean of School of Business and Management at SISU, and other guests attended the event to witness the enrollment of Intake 2021 and the smooth start of the Corporate Mentor Program.

Set sail, Enjoy the high-quality resources of China and France to fulfill the amazing transformation of life

Mr. Benoît Guidée, Consul General of France in Shanghai

Mr. Benoît Guidée, Consul General of France in Shanghai, began the celebratory day with his speech in Chinese. He first highly affirmed and appreciated that the two top-notch institutions in China and France are jointly launching SISU-emlyon Dual Degree MBA Program. He pointed out that in recent years, Sino-French relations have become increasingly close, while higher education is one of the key directions. emlyon business school has been actively cooperating with major universities in China since 2007, and its first-class faculty and cutting-edge educational philosophy are increasingly widely recognized by the Chinese market.

Prof. William Hua Wang, Associate Dean of emlyon business school and Dean of emlyon business school Asia

Prof. William Hua Wang noted, "SISU-emlyon Dual Degree MBA Program innovatively created by the two institutions is more than a series of courses. Instead, we pay more attention to the career roadmap of our students and would like to help everyone realize their career dreams." As the only Sino-foreign dual degree MBA program in Shanghai, SISU-emlyon Dual Degree MBA Program integrates the top-class industry, education and research resources of two leading schools in China and in the world, and ingeniously builds a high-quality faculty team composed of senior professors from well-known Chinese and international schools, experts at home and abroad, and world-renowned business executives, so as to cultivate high-end financial managers who will change the world. He sincerely hoped that in the following years, the students of Intake 2021 will be able to value the precious time on campus, realize their self-growth and transformation, become the builders and contributors of the "Early Maker" culture, and forge ahead in the emlyon community.

Mr. Yong Xu, Party Secretary of School of Business and Management at Shanghai International Studies University (SISU)

Mr. Yong Xu, Party Secretary of School of Business and Management at SISU, presented profound expectations and high hopes for the future of the new Program, and thanked the corporate mentors for their support to the Program. Meanwhile, he introduced the strategic goal of "Improving global voice and cultivating multilingual outstanding talents" put forward by the 15th Party Congress being held at SISU, hoping that the new Program will train students to become outstanding talents with global voice and actively participate in global governance and affairs. In response to Corporate Mentor Program, he mentioned that students should keep themselves "hungry and thirsty" in career development and ask for advice with an open mind. He also hoped that mentors would cultivate students' ability of self-analysis and self-growth based on the principle of "give people fish and you feed them for a day; teach them how to fish and you feed them for a lifetime ".

It is reported that there are 38 participants in this year’s intake, with an average professional experience of 8.5 years and an average management experience of 4.5 years. Over 35% of them boast the positions of managers or above, who are all business leaders from financial services, healthcare, consulting, manufacturing, technology and other hotspot industries. In this regard, Prof. Yunqiao Wu, Associate Dean of School of Business and Management at SISU, pointed out that Intake 2021, as the inaugural intake of the Program, have extraordinary significance, "Under the strong alliance and careful planning of the two schools, the Program has created a new paradigm for cultivating elite talents in the context of globalization, which will not only help their personal career development, but also drive the sustainability and advancement of the entire economy and society to realize value empowerment."

Management at Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), Prof. Yunqiao Wu

Prof. Rhoda Davidson, MBA Director of emlyon business school, also expressed her warm welcome and blessings to the freshmen of Intake 2021 through video.

Corporate Mentor Program launched, facilitate career leap and improve employment sustainability

Career development is one of the key links in an MBA journey. Therefore, the Launching Ceremony of Corporate Mentor Program was specially held on the spot. Ms. Peng Peng, Employer Engagement and Career Service Manager of emlyon business school, presented an all-around introduction of the Career Development Center (CDC), who will accompany MBA students to face changes in their future study and life. As one of the most historical business schools in Europe, emlyon business school ranks second in France in terms of Graduates' Employability by Times Higher Education. "The Career Development Center will help our students prepare for long-term career goals and realize themselves in a challenging and changing world of employment."

Ms. Peng warmly encouraged more alumni and employers to actively participate in CDC activities, and jointly achieve the effective allocation of human resources and sustainability.

Ms. Peng Peng, Employer Engagement and Career Service Manager of emlyon business school

Subsequently, five guests, including Mr. Guoxin Qian, VHR Founder and emlyon GDBA 2019 Intake Participant, Ms. Ke Chen, HRVP of Colombia China, Mr. Taixin Lu, CTO of Jusda International Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd., Mr. Ning Li, CTO of Topsperity Securities and emlyon GDBA 2020 Intake Participant, and Ms. Zhihong Yu, HR Director (Asia Pacific) of Cabot Corporate and emlyon GDBA 2020 Intake Participant, shared their insights of career development, the positioning of the role of corporate mentors and their expectations for the future of MBA students.

Consul General of France in Shanghai, Prof. Hua Wang and Mr. Yong Xu, Party Secretary of SISU joined hands with five corporate mentors to open champagne and celebrate the smooth start of the Program. Amid the music of a lively Dai dance and laughter, the Welcome Dinner for Intake 2021 kicked off. A chorus pushed the event to a climax. Flying with the wind and having dreams as wings, the students looked forward to the upcoming study journey and self-transcendence and improvement in the future.

Gathering the superior resources of the two schools and educating the business elites hand in hand, the first intake of SISU-emlyon Dual Degree MBA Program was launched successfully, which will bring both vision and depth of learning experience to the industry elites in the new era, and also provide valuable experience and inspiration for the diversified expansion of educational cooperation between China and France.