CHEN Junsong
Dean of School of Intelligent Finance and Business,
XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang),
DBA advisor at emlyon business school
Dr. Junsong Chen is Professor of Marketing at emlyon business school, Assistant Dean of emlyon Asia campus, and Academic Director of Executive Education. Dr. Chen obtained his Ph.D. in Marketing from University of Birmingham, UK in 2003 and later joined the Marketing Faculty of China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) where he has served for ten years. He has lectured on Consumer Behaviour, Consumer Decision-Making, Customer Experience Management, Chinese Consumers for more than 20 MBA and EMBA programmes from China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Shanghai Jiaotong University, Tongji University, Rice University (US), ESADE Business School (Spain), ESCP Business School (France), AVT Business School (Denmark) etc. Dr. Chen received the qualification from International Teacher's Program (ITP), which is hosted jointly by 11 distinguished business schools including Harvard, Wharton, HEC, INSEAD, CEIBS etc. He has also provided consultancy and training for more than 70 international and listed companies in China.
Dr. Chen has received many rewards granted by China Natural Science Foundation, State Education Ministry of China, Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals of Universities of the United Kingdom, etc. His work has been published in leading international journals, including International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Business Ethics, Industrial Marketing Management, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of World Business, Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Brand Management. He is the author of the book - Marketing Management in Asia, and has 15 cases published in Europe Case Clearing House (ECCH). Some of the cases have been the bestselling case at CEIBS. Dr. Chen is the column-writer of some leading Chinese business website and magazines, including Sina Finance, China Marketing, and Harvard Business Review (Chinese). He has been often invited by the media like BBC, CCTV, Economist, to comment on China market dynamic and consumption trend. He is the Guest Editor of Journal of World Business and he is also in the Editorial Review Board of Journal of Global Academy of Marketing Science (JGAMS), Journal of Marketing Science, and Journal of Customer Behavior.
- 2003, Ph.D. in Marketing, University of Birmingham, UK
- MA in Management, Wuhan University, China
- 1997, BA in Business Administration, Wuhan University, China
- Consumer Decision-Making
- Branding
- Customer Satisfaction
- Trust and Fairness
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Consumer Behavior
- Behavioral Marketing
- Customer Experience Management
- Marketing Innovation from Customer Insight
- Chinese Consumers and China Market