BUPT-emlyon EMBA Program Spring 2021 Opening Ceremony was Held

Source:Global EMBADate:2021-04-28

On the morning of April 22nd, the Opening Ceremony of  BUPT-emlyon Global EMBA Program Spring 2021 was held in Beijing. 56 business leaders and executives from communications, Internet, finance, consulting and other industries gathered together to start a new journey for wisdom and competency.

Prof. Xu Kun, Vice President of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), Mr. Chen Yan, Director of the International Cooperation and Exchange Office of BUPT, Mr. Hu Qigang, Secretary of CPC Committee of the School of Economics and Management (SEM) of BUPT, Prof. Wang Huan, Executive Dean of BUPT SEM, Ms. Song Juan, Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of BUPT SEM, Prof. He Ying, Deputy Dean of BUPT SEM, Ms. Yang Fan, Director of EMBA Center of BUPT SEM, Prof. Wang Hua, Associate Dean of emlyon business school and Dean of emlyon Asia, Mr. Zhang Weiwei, Director of EMBA Program at emlyon business school, and all the new students of GEMBA Spring 2021 attended this exciting event. Prof. Isabelle Huault, Dean of emlyon business school, sent her best wishes and welcomed the new students via video. Prof. Ma Xiaofei, Vice Dean of BUPT SEM, presided over the ceremony.

Speach by Prof. WANG Hua

Prof. Wang Hua kicked off the opening ceremony with a speech titled "New Blue Ocean Strategy - Building Communities, Enhancing Organizational Capability and Upgrading Digital Strategy". Prof. Wang illustrated the power of community with three best practice cases in China, namely the emergence of iBaking App, the rise of NIO Life and the leapfrog upgrade of Xiaomi, completed by three theories, i.e., Metcalfe's Law in economics, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs in sociology and knowledge community in management. He also explored digitalization-empowered innovation with the case of China Lodging Group and pointed out that building communities will enhance organizational capabilities and upgrade digital strategies. "An organization that sails into the blue ocean is a community with shared values, where producers and customers are in the same community and information, knowledge and positive energy flow freely. Therefore, it inspires the creativity of two groups of stakeholders, who cheerfully co-create products, services and better life."

Speech by Prof. XU Kun

In his speech, Prof. Xu Kun, Vice President of BUPT, warmly welcomed the guests, faculty and students present and congratulated the new participants of BUPT-emlyon Global EMBA Program. Prof. Xu believed that in the era of technological changes, facing the dynamic international landscape and market-driven economy, managing the future is more important than managing today, while creating life is more meaningful than creating wealth. He hoped that the students would actively participate in the study journey, make full use of these two years, diligently learn knowledge, sincerely perceive the world and insightfully appreciate life.

Video from Isabelle HUAULT

Prof. Isabelle Huault, Dean of emlyon business school, also extended her welcome to the new students in her video message. She highlighted that more than ever, the managers and entrepreneurs of tomorrow will be makers and visionaries. She hoped that the students would perform managerial practices and organizations, act in a very responsible and sustainable manner and fit with emlyon’s pedagogy and the school's aim so as to gain unforgettable experiences in BUPT-emlyon GEMBA Program.

Video from LUC Zeller

With four generations of his family having attended emlyon, Mr. Zeller Luc, representing the emlyon alumni community, sent his wishes to the participants of GEMBA Spring 2021 in a video and was confident that the participants would appreciate these two years of studying about these topics.

Fu Dongqiang Sharing

Afterwards, Mr. Fu Dongqiang, a representative of current GEMBA students, shared with the freshmen his intention of returning to campus after more than two decades.

WANG Youdong Sharing

On behalf of GEMBA Spring 2021, Mr. Wang Youdong of Autohome, delivered an enrollment speech. He mentioned that it is important to have the “empty cup” mindset and “early maker” spirit to continuously innovate and realize the digital transformation of the entire industry chain through network collaboration and data intelligence.

School Badge Awarding

At the end of the ceremony, the leadership put on the badges for the new students. The opening ceremony of BUPT-emlyon Global EMBA Program Spring 2021 came to a successful conclusion with the impressive and imposing vows of the new students. Let us harvest the fragrance of spring and the sweetness of autumn together and achieve innovation and transcendence in this amazing journey!