

2018 Asian Campus Semester Opening Ceremony Held Successfully

2018 Asian Campus Semester Opening Ceremony Held Successfully

On Aug 30, 2018, around 170 international students from Program Grand Ecole and European Triple Degree and 30 local Chinese students started their new semester in emlyon business school Asian campus.

Alumni Gathering | What Makes a Luxury Brand?

Alumni Gathering | What Makes a Luxury Brand?

Recently, Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy (LVMH) announced its financial report in H1 2018. The sales in Q2 as of June 30 increased significantly by 11%, while that of LVMH in H1 raised by 10% yoy to EURO

Our Differences Unite Us | Cultural Integration Activity

Our Differences Unite Us | Cultural Integration Activity

On 15th September, emlyon business school Asian campus and Shanghai Zizhu College co-hosted a cross-cultural integration activity for students from Global BBA 1+3 Pathway Program, emlyon BBA YEAR 2 pr

Why Teach Ethnography to Senior Executives (In the Big Data Era)?

Why Teach Ethnography to Senior Executives (In the Big Data Era)?

In management circles and beyond, companies are rushing to integrate, adapt and exploit big data in their organisations. Moreover, they are willing to recruit nearly anyone with a mention of “big data

emlyon business school Confers Honorary Doctorate Degree on Shanghai Vice Mayor Chen Qun

emlyon business school Confers Honorary Doctorate Degree on Shanghai Vice Mayor Chen Qun

On November 24, 2018, a grand ceremony was held at Asia Europe Business School, an institution jointly operated by East China Normal University and emlyon business school. The ceremony was presided ov

DBA Insight | How can AI help Entrepreneurs Redefine the Future?

DBA Insight | How can AI help Entrepreneurs Redefine the Future?

The annual conference Think Pairs of IBM was held in Paris. It showed IBM's investment in future AI in France, and also the AI projects of emlyon business school, presented by Bernard Belletante, Dean

Aha Moment at emlyon Global DBA New Year Party

Aha Moment at emlyon Global DBA New Year Party

To many people, doctorate candidates in top institutions probably wear thick glasses. They work hard and take exams from dawn to night and spend most of their time dealing with boring numbers or labor

Let's review 2018 of the emlyon Global DBAers! (Ⅰ)

Let's review 2018 of the emlyon Global DBAers! (Ⅰ)

In 2018, emlyon Global DBAers spent a fruitful and enriched year with families, friends and colleagues, and experienced an unforgettable journey of study with talented and interesting peers at emlyon

12th Annual China Goes Global Conference Held in Shanghai

12th Annual China Goes Global Conference Held in Shanghai

The 12th Annual China Goes Global Conference was grandly held in Shanghai from June 18 to 20, 2018. The conference this year is co-hosted by CGA, emlyon business school and East China Normal Universit

emlyon Global DBA ZHANG Xiaoming: It’s the time window of AI

emlyon Global DBA ZHANG Xiaoming: It’s the time window of AI

ZHANG Xiaoming, Vice President of PPC Group, decided to give herself an unprecedented challenge.Already with double master's degrees, she chose to study at emlyon Global DBA Program and initially plan

Using AI to educate is no longer science fiction

Using AI to educate is no longer science fiction

Using artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionize the educational experience is not a new idea: back in 2012, a US blog specializing in further education offered a list of 10 ways in which AI can re

emlyon GDBA Fang Jing: Embrace Challenges with Collaboration

emlyon GDBA Fang Jing: Embrace Challenges with Collaboration

​Recently, Ms. FANG Jing, founder of LETARON ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD and a Global DBA participant of emlyon business school, received an interview with Ms. BIAN Lingli, journalist of Shanghai Airlines maga

​First Innovate Sports, Then Society

​First Innovate Sports, Then Society

Sports is about individual achievement but also about belonging. This duality may explain why sports as an industry is thriving. Where else can you explore the limits of yourself while bonding with te

emlyon business school Eurasian Sport Industry Development Forum and Launch Ceremony of the Centre for the Eurasian Sport Industry Held Successfully in Beijing

emlyon business school Eurasian Sport Industry Development Forum and Launch Ceremony of the Centre for the Eurasian Sport Industry Held Successfully in Beijing

​On April 29, 2019, emlyon business school Eurasian Sport Industry Development Forum and Launch Ceremony of the Centre for the Eurasian Sport Industry (CESI) was held successfully in China National Co

em<strong>lyon business schools</strong> reveals its future site at the heart of metropolitan Lyon

emlyon business schools reveals its future site at the heart of metropolitan Lyon

early makers are individuals who can take their destiny in hand, who can be the leaders and entrepreneurs in their lives, while still taking a collective approach.

Human-Vehicle Relations & Digital Transformation of carmakers

Human-Vehicle Relations & Digital Transformation of carmakers

On May 22nd, the Smart Mobility Forum of Tencent Global Digital Ecosystem Conference 2019 was held in Kunming. In the new era of mobility, how to develop the ecosystem? How will the digital transforma

The Opening Ceremony of 2019 emlyon Global DBA Kicked off

The Opening Ceremony of 2019 emlyon Global DBA Kicked off

​On July 4th, 2019, the Opening Ceremony of emlyon Global DBA Asia 2019 intake kicked off in the solemn. Nearly 20 business executives and entrepreneurs from Shanghai, Guangzhou, Beijing, Taiwan and o

The Meeting with the Deans of emlyon business school and the Strategic Cooperation Signing Ceremony Successfully Held in Shanghai

The Meeting with the Deans of emlyon business school and the Strategic Cooperation Signing Ceremony Successfully Held in Shanghai

​On July 5, 2019, the meeting with Deans of emlyon business school, also the Strategic Cooperation Signing Ceremony, was held in Shanghai, marking the first visit in the city by Chairman of the Execut

Dean Tawhid CHTIOUI:Business Education Needs Self-denial

Dean Tawhid CHTIOUI:Business Education Needs Self-denial

Recently, Professor Tawhid CHTIOUI, dean of emlyon business school, and Professor Wang Hua, vice dean of emlyon business school and dean of emlyon business school Asia, gave an exclusive interview to

What is the spirit of an early maker ?

What is the spirit of an early maker ?

​In the era of digitalization, the emlyon business school proposes a new concept that will foster the creation of the ‘Early Maker’ into our strategic and educational development goals. In this comple

Report Released | Global HR Science & Technology Trends 2020

Report Released | Global HR Science & Technology Trends 2020

emlyon business school, jointly with HRflag, a leading think tank of HR in China, recently released a world's first large-scale research report on HR science and technology titled Global HR Science &

Global Football Industry | Football and Branding in the Digital Age

Global Football Industry | Football and Branding in the Digital Age

​In September, the 5th Frankfurt Football Summit took place in Germany.

NBA Superstar Tony Parker Launches Strategic cooperation with emlyon business school

NBA Superstar Tony Parker Launches Strategic cooperation with emlyon business school

​On Monday September 16th, the four times NBA champion, Tony Parker came to CCI FRANCE CHINE Beijing's office to meet and exchange with the Sino-French Business community.

12 periods of emlyon Global DBA's academic trip to the U.S.

12 periods of emlyon Global DBA's academic trip to the U.S.

When the eternal 12 periods of the day met emlyon DBA participants, the academic journey of continuous improvement in thinking left the unchanged mark of “early makers”.

emlyon knowledge | Wenxuan Ding: AI-Empowered Digital Transformation and Restructuring Enterprises

emlyon knowledge | Wenxuan Ding: AI-Empowered Digital Transformation and Restructuring Enterprises

​A society entering the digital era poses challenges of industrial restructuring to businesses. Digitalization typifies dynamic information, whose uncertainty promotes enterprises to get into deep und

Makers Night on Branding for Brand Innovation in New Biz Context

Makers Night on Branding for Brand Innovation in New Biz Context

emlyon business school presented its Makers Night on Branding together with CCI France Chine(CCIFC) on October 25, 2019 to exchange and explore the new ecology of brand strategies and value propositio

emlyon Launching BIC and Global Business Intelligence Summit

emlyon Launching BIC and Global Business Intelligence Summit

To focus on business intelligence and lead the trend of thought in scientific innovation, emlyon business school staged its Global Business Intelligence Summit and Business Intelligence Center Inaugur



On November 2, the research report, 2020 GLOBAL EMPLOYER BRANDING TRENDS, led by: Richard Mosley, the father of Employer Brand, Ben Whitter, the father of Employee Experience, Anson Tang, Co-director,

early makers Shaping a Better World | 2019 emlyon Annual Gala

early makers Shaping a Better World | 2019 emlyon Annual Gala

On 21 December, Beijing grandly stages the 2019 emlyon business school Asia Annual Gala, bringing together hundreds of emlyon’s faculties, students, alumni, business partners, cooperative universities

'China Art Wealth White Paper' is Released

'China Art Wealth White Paper' is Released

Recently, the launch ceremony of “China Art Wealth White Paper 2019” (hereinafter referred to as the “White Paper”) was held at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, which marked China's first art wealth

emlyon business school Asia New Year Speech 2020

emlyon business school Asia New Year Speech 2020

Dear faculty, students, alumni and partners,On the occasion of Chinese Spring Festival, I would like to extend, on behalf of emlyon business school Asia, our heartfelt thanks to all of you, for your t

The ICT Industry in China – Create an Open Market for All to Win

The ICT Industry in China – Create an Open Market for All to Win

On [insert date], Roland Berger and emlyon business school jointly published the Report on ICT Industry Business Environment in China (the “Report”). Providing a comprehensive overview of and a penetr

We are Here | em<strong>lyon</strong> Knowledge Revelation

We are Here | emlyon Knowledge Revelation

​The impact and uncertainty of the coronavirus pandemic caused panic among individuals and businesses. However, scientific thinking and professional guidance might bring unexpected benefits and inspir

Symbolic stadiums and pandemic power plays

Symbolic stadiums and pandemic power plays

The recent announcement of an enormous football stadium commencing construction in one of China’s biggest cities is a signal to the world that the country is on the road back to normal, Simon Chadwick

Corporate Mentorship Program Officially Launched

Corporate Mentorship Program Officially Launched

​emlyon business school and VHR signed the strategic cooperation agreement on May 15th, 2020, represented the “Corporate Mentor Program” officially launched. Professor William Hua WANG, Associate Dean

The Global financial market fluctuations caused by COVID-19

The Global financial market fluctuations caused by COVID-19

​In 2020, an economic crisis superimposed by COVID-19 broke out across the world. The US stock market melted down four times. The crude oil prices plummeted. And the global economy is facing greater u

Maintain Agility and Lifelong Learning

Maintain Agility and Lifelong Learning

​At the beginning of 2020, a sudden public health event triggered a worldwide economic and financial crisis, and enterprises and organizations face unprecedented challenges. Looking back at the histor

The First Commencement of AEBS Was Held Successfully

The First Commencement of AEBS Was Held Successfully

​On June 27th, the first Commencement of Asia Europe Business School was held successfully. 56 bachelor and master students completed their studies and obtained their bachelor's and master's degrees,

emlyon business school Joint Launched Declaration on International Ecosystem for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, the First Session of Think Tank took place online successfully

emlyon business school Joint Launched Declaration on International Ecosystem for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, the First Session of Think Tank took place online successfully

​Recently, the first session of IEIE | Think Tank took place online successfully. The keynote speakers from Singapore Management University, emlyon business school, University of Novi Sad and Shanghai

emlyon GDBA and Certified B-School Lecturer program kicked off

emlyon GDBA and Certified B-School Lecturer program kicked off

In this era of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, the survival of traditional business models is increasingly tough, while organizational structures are facing tremendous changes

How to Control Your Money in a Happier Way?

How to Control Your Money in a Happier Way?

​We all know that money is closely related to our daily life and career, but not all of us can perceive the human nature hidden behind money. There is a famous line in La Traviata, “Money is a good se

The First Annual Eurasian Sport Industry Conference: Pooling Wisdom, Getting Head Start

The First Annual Eurasian Sport Industry Conference: Pooling Wisdom, Getting Head Start

On December 8 and 9, 2020, the First Annual Eurasian Sport Industry Conference with the theme of “A New Frontier The Business and Management of Sport in Eurasia” observed its grand opening in Beijing.

Intelligence Artificielle: quel avantage pour ma PME? – Le Mag Éco

Intelligence Artificielle: quel avantage pour ma PME? – Le Mag Éco

Il devient de plus en plus évident qu’il s’agit de la plus grande révolution technologique de l’histoire. Parce qu’elle peut augmenter le savoir-faire naturel des humains, repousser les limites de l’a

3 examples d’intelligence artificielle et ce n’est pas de la science-fiction, Capital avec Management

3 examples d’intelligence artificielle et ce n’est pas de la science-fiction, Capital avec Management

La conscience numérique n’est pas près de voir le jour, mais l’intelligence artificielle tisse déjà sa toile dans l’analyse des données et l’environnement. Focus sur trois exemples qui ne relèvent pa

White Paper | Intelligent Manufacturing Industry in China

White Paper | Intelligent Manufacturing Industry in China

The digital transformation of Chinese businesses has reached a critical moment. China's digital economy has entered a new stage of growth, while the optimization of the digital industry chain is boomi

emlyon Global DBAer Xia Jingtao: Seize the opportunity to enhance internal strength

emlyon Global DBAer Xia Jingtao: Seize the opportunity to enhance internal strength

In recent years, with the continuous evolution of China's energy development strategy and policies, the geothermal energy industry, although slightly obscure in the global market, has also made consid

emlyon unveils its “Confluences 2025” strategic plan to be among the 15 leading Global Business Universities in Europe

emlyon unveils its “Confluences 2025” strategic plan to be among the 15 leading Global Business Universities in Europe

It is emlyon's ambition to become one of the leading Global Business Universities in Europe, in order to train players able to meet social, technological and environmental challenges here and now. "Co

Global IPv6 and IPv6+ Development Whitepaper <br /> Co-released by emlyon business school and Roland Berger

Global IPv6 and IPv6+ Development Whitepaper
Co-released by emlyon business school and Roland Berger

October 19, 2021 The Global IPv6 and IPv6+ Development Whitepaper co-authored by emlyon business school and Roland Berge, is now officially released and made available to public for free downloading

2021 emlyon business school Asia Academic Achievements

2021 emlyon business school Asia Academic Achievements

In the post-epidemic era, emlyon business school, with the “early makers”spirit in mind, has set the strategic goal of assuming social and environmental responsibility, refining its academic strength

2021 emlyon Asia emlyon business school Asia CSR Achievements

2021 emlyon Asia emlyon business school Asia CSR Achievements

Looking back at 2021, the century of change has accelerated, and "common prosperity" has become a national theme for China; the recurrence of the new epidemic has made us more aware of cohesion and mu

emlyon-HIT Strategic Cooperation Signing Ceremony Grandly Held

emlyon-HIT Strategic Cooperation Signing Ceremony Grandly Held

May 31, 2022 emlyon business school and Harbin Institute of Technology officially declared the establishment of strategic partnership to co-launch a new joint undergraduate bachelor program.

Meet the Extraordinary Future - GEMBA2022Spring Opening Ceremony

Meet the Extraordinary Future - GEMBA2022Spring Opening Ceremony

On the afternoon of August 25th, the Opening Ceremony of BUPT-emlyon Global Executive MBA (“GEMBA”) 2022 Spring Cohort was held in Beijing. 55 industry leaders and business executives from all over th

Alumni Celebration of 150th Anniversary|Events Review

Alumni Celebration of 150th Anniversary|Events Review

On October 1, emlyon business school alumni gathered to celebrate the 150th anniversary of their school at the Maison de la Mutualité in Paris. The ceremony included a moment of celebration for the 20

How City Walkers Involute? Exploring Fairmont Peace Hotel for Highlight Moment of Autumn! |Wonderful Review of City Walk  by emlyon East China Alumni Network

How City Walkers Involute? Exploring Fairmont Peace Hotel for Highlight Moment of Autumn! |Wonderful Review of City Walk by emlyon East China Alumni Network

An architecture can be read, just as a city can be felt by its warmth. Recently, to experience a green and healthy lifestyle and promote the communication among alumni, nearly 40 students and graduate

The MSc DSAIS, a melting pot of hybrid talents

The MSc DSAIS, a melting pot of hybrid talents

True to its ambition of seeking a range of profiles covering many countries and educational backgrounds, the MSc DSAIS welcomed in September a diverse intake of students for its first full year of del

A pool of industry for ready talent - To plan your future career

A pool of industry for ready talent - To plan your future career

Common to all emlyon business school programs is the objective of ensuring students hit the ground running in the professional world. Three current interns recount how their choice of program with the

Retrospective on the Career Development of Distinguished GBBA Graduates

Retrospective on the Career Development of Distinguished GBBA Graduates

What does a four-year study abroad journey mean to you? There may be a thousand answers, but the most universally applicable is undoubtedly broadening one's horizons and establishing a higher starting

Fostering Futures, Fortifying Partnerships | Vice President William Wang's Delegation Visits Harbin Institute of Technology

Fostering Futures, Fortifying Partnerships | Vice President William Wang's Delegation Visits Harbin Institute of Technology

​On August 26, Associate Dean of emlyon business school William Hua WANG headed a delegation to visit Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), where they were welcomed by Shuai Yong, Vice President of HI

Launch of an Institute and a curriculum for healthcare

Launch of an Institute and a curriculum for healthcare

​As part of its “Resonances 2024-2028” strategic plan emlyon business school is launching the Healthcare Innovation, Technology & Society (HITS) Institute and introducing a new emlyon BioPharma curric

2024 ACS Program | Welcoming about 100 international students

2024 ACS Program | Welcoming about 100 international students

On August 30, 2024, emlyon business school welcomed nearly 100 exchange students from France and other European countries to participate in the Asia Campus Semester (ACS) program.

HIT-emlyon BSc in Applied Data Science Program Welcomes 2024 First-Year Students with Grand Celebration!

HIT-emlyon BSc in Applied Data Science Program Welcomes 2024 First-Year Students with Grand Celebration!

On August 25, 2024, the first-year students welcome gathering for HIT-emlyon BSc in Applied Data Science Program, a collaborative program between Harbin Institute of Technology and emlyon business sch

emlyon business school Ranked 2nd by L'Etudiant

emlyon business school Ranked 2nd by L'Etudiant

France's prominent higher education media, L'Etudiant, released its 2025 French Business School Rankings, where emlyon business school once again excelled by rising to second place. This marks the sec

emlyon receives a new five-year EQUIS accreditation

emlyon receives a new five-year EQUIS accreditation

​It is one of the most prestigious marks of excellence for business and management education.

A luxury brand pro dedicated to the customer experience

A luxury brand pro dedicated to the customer experience

Marine Comiti’s personal and professional journey from her native Corsica to the luxury brand hub of Paris via emlyon has been part of a conscious search for practically focused studies that would ena

Cutting-Edge Research | Professor Sai LAN Publishes New Study in a Leading Journal on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Exploring VC Holding Strategies Post-IPO

Cutting-Edge Research | Professor Sai LAN Publishes New Study in a Leading Journal on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Exploring VC Holding Strategies Post-IPO

Recently, Dr. Sai LAN, Associate Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship and DBA Supervisor at emlyon Business School, published a new research paper titled “Venture capital exit after venture IP

Global Ranking of Academic Subjects Ranks emlyon business school Third in France

Global Ranking of Academic Subjects Ranks emlyon business school Third in France

Shanghai Ranking recently released its 2024 Global Ranking of Academic Subjects (GRAS), in which emlyon business school ranked third in France in the Management category. Amongst the global list of ov

Le Figaro Etudiant Releases 2025 French Business School Rankings - emlyon Business School Maintains Fourth Place!

Le Figaro Etudiant Releases 2025 French Business School Rankings - emlyon Business School Maintains Fourth Place!

Le Figaro Etudiant unveiled the eagerly awaited 2025 French Business School Rankings and once again spotlighted emlyon business school. With its outstanding educational quality and overall performance
